Greenhouses and glazing units Business Directory

Greenhouses and glazing units Business directory

> Business Directory > Mechanical Engineering and Industry > Greenhouses and glazing units

Greenhouses and glazing units entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with informations of contact-data, hours and reviews. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Greenhouses and glazing units entries

There were 57 entries found


Severinstr. 15B
77855, Achern

 0784166669 0

Georgstr. 1 - 3
32756, Detmold

 05233 / 383985

Neuer Weg 9
56271, Isenburg

 +49 (0)2689 958618
 +49 (0)2689 5849

Sickershäuser Weg 2A
97350, Mainbernheim

 (+49) 0 9323-6965
 (+49) 0 9323-801467


Krautacker 6
36115, Hilders

 (06681) 917907

Bachstr. 74
63762, Großostheim

 +49 (0) 6026995930
 (06026) 995931

Im Fehr 36
27729, Hambergen

 +49 (0) 4793956490
 +49 (0) 47939564999

Hauptstr. 25
23847, Kastorf

 04501 / 1395
 04501 / 828715

Goethestr. 29
01589, Oelsitz

 (+49) 03525734445

Kastanienstr. 3
63589, Linsengericht


Georg - Schumann - Str. 353
04159, Leipzig


Hauptstr. 14
79591, Eimeldingen

 (+49) 07621 63143
 (+49) 07621 686486

Wilhelm - Pasewaldt - Str. 28
12107, Berlin

Hauptstr. 20
29683, Bad Fallingbostel

Industriestraße 7
15848, Beeskow

 (+49) 0 3366 / 417 / 0
 (03366) 23117

Grabengasse 17
55546, Tiefenthal

 +49 (0) 6701637

Birkenbergstr. 11
51379, Leverkusen

 02171 / 45816
 02171 / 42973

Tersteegenstr. 56
42857, Remscheid

 (02191) 5911825
 (02191) 5911824

Heinrichsfelde 5
16831, Schwanow

 +49 (0) 3393137854

Edlersweg 1
32457, Porta Westfalica

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Cities & surrounding

Greenhouses and glazing units branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Greenhouses and glazing units in this month. This month 14 companies were registered, 27 were updated and 46 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Greenhouses and glazing units March 2025Diagram Greenhouses and glazing unitsDiagram Greenhouses and glazing units March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Greenhouses and glazing units with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Greenhouses and glazing units 2025Statistics Greenhouses and glazing unitsStatistics Greenhouses and glazing units 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics